Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Entrelac Menger sponge version 2

This replaces my earlier attempt which could not be knitted with the constraints I've been working with (continuous piece of yarn and only one grafted edge). Alas, it's less symmetrical.

Monday, October 27, 2008

entrelac menger sponge

entrelac menger sponge, originally uploaded by fuzzyjay.

The torus wasn't complicated enough! This is a diagram of the first iteration of the Menger Sponge modeled in entrelac. Of course, the usual constraints apply to the knitting: one continuous piece of yarn, no seams except one grafted edge at the very end. Lots of provisional cast-ons.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Leafy branch

Leafy branch, originally uploaded by fuzzyjay.

An experiment in adding compound leaves together to form a larger branch. This in turn could be a branch off a bigger branch.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

entrelac at a higher resolution2a

This is a more detailed diagram than the other one.

Entrelac sketch. Red is provisional cast-on
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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Finished Fiber Object

It's done, it's done it's done. The Greek Key Scarf I was making for David the Red Anderson. Yay! I worked in the ends. I just have to wash it to remove the innumerable bits of catnip that adhered to it after Helen the White Cat broke into my backpack and busted open the packet of catnip that was secreted within, spilling catnip all over the contents of the backpack and strewing catnip around the living room. Then, I'll take a picture of the handsome man with his new accessory.
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