Friday, September 19, 2008

The bloom is off the bamboo

I was interested in bamboo as a fiber until I realized it’s just rayon.

I guess as a source of cellulose, bamboo is as good or better than others. Wood pulp is better used as paper, I suppose. But I was feeling all sexy about the fiber. Same with “soy silk”… you can make rayon out of any source of cellulose. Hey, wouldn’t it be nice if you could make it from animal products? Then you could have a “pork silk” purse made out of a sow’s ear.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Entrelac cube update

I'm at square 28 in a 30-square entrelac cube knitted from the corner. My mantra going into this was "keep it simple," so I'm knitting it in stockinette, and not attempting anything fancy. Of course, I'm great at complicating things, so I have tried different ways of connecting the squares, and instead of leaving stitches on holders and stuff, I'm using a very long (48") size 1 needle to hold the stitches, and also to hold the wrap at the end of every row, which I'm using as the points to pick up new stitches. Next one is going to be slip the first stitch on every row. Simpler. Still not sure what I'm going to use to hold the live stitches of the squares that are not going to be joined to other squares immediately.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

12-square entrelac cube with cables from face

This one's better.
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Here's another iteration of the entrelac cube idea.
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Monday, September 08, 2008


Woo hoo! My illustration is the first hit for Google Image Search with the query "heirloom knitting".
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Cube is gaining on scarf

Equally popular:
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Thursday, September 04, 2008

12-square entrelac cube with cables (garter stitch)

This cube is knitted in one piece. Each square has a cable going across it diagonally, and the squares and the cables are joined to each other as you knit. There are no seams in the finished cube... well, I lied: there is one grafted seam at the very end.
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