Saturday, April 11, 2009

Entrelac tube add elbow

Entrelac tube add elbow
Originally uploaded by fuzzyjay
Trying to diagram adding an elbow to an entrelac tube. An entrelac tube (with cap) can grow out of any entrelac square. This shows that it's possible to add an elbow between any two sections of the tube.

the diagrams on the left show views of the tube and with the added elbow. I needed a way to diagram the tubes flat so that I could work out the order of knitting the entrelac squares.

Any time you're knitting an entrelac piece you can substitute a tube (or a tube with elbows) for one of the squares. You'll be knitting up two sides of the tube and then across the cap of the tube and then down the other two sides, then you'll be ready to keep going.

I should knit pieces to explain this... of course, I lose most of my interest in the structure once I've worked it out in my head (and on paper).
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